
Raffles Student Care Centre is a sustainable Social Enterprise with a strong social mission.

Raffles Student Care is a Child-Safe organisation.

We strive to inculcate core values and life skills to our young children to ensure they grow up well.

We subsidise and sponsor learning journeys for at-risk children, on social non-exclusion causes (e.g. birthdays, gifts and milestone celebrations), and in debt forgiveness.

We are a Student Care Financial Assistance (SCFA) Adminstrator registered with the Ministry of Social and Family Development. We also channel these at-risk families to secondary sources of assistance, following-up with Family Service Centres and religious welfare groups for additional funding.

Raffles Student Care is guided by our Company Vision of Building Our Next Generation, in which we inculcate core values and life skills to our young children to ensure they grow up well.

A child going through our Raffles Student Care programme would, in time, be a confident, well-adjusted young adult.


  • Ensure that students uphold humanistic core values
  • Promote a culture of care and mind-set of excellence among students,
  • Help the students understand that their values shape their behaviour
  • Determine their success at home, in school, and in the community.


  • Engage students using age appropriate and sustained experiential learning.
  • Explore development of values at home, in school and in the community.
  • Inculcate a culture of mindfulness in the application of values to daily routines and activities.
  • Our teachers will lead-by-example and model these values in their own behaviour.
  • Engagement of parents to ensure consistency in values.
  • Positively reinforce learning these values, celebrate progress, and reward positive behaviours.